Bear Swamp Rd in Ashfield
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Improved, District (County) - 0 BEAR SWAMP RD
Vacant, Conservation Organizations (Charitable Org.) - 0 BEAR SWAMP RD
Vacant, Conservation Organizations (Charitable Org.) - 0 BEAR SWAMP RD
Undevelopable Residential Land - 0 BEAR SWAMP RD
Potentially Developable Residential Land - 0 BEAR SWAMP RD
Necessary Related Land-Farm Roads, Ponds, Land Under Farm Buildings (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) - 0 BEAR SWAMP RD
Potentially Developable Residential Land - 0 BEAR SWAMP RD
Undevelopable Residential Land - 0 BEAR SWAMP RD
Undevelopable Residential Land - 0 BEAR SWAMP RD
Nature Study - Areas Specifically For Nature Study Or Observation (Ch. 61b, Not Classified As Open Space) - 0 BEAR SWAMP RD
Potentially Developable Residential Land - 101 BEAR SWAMP RD
Improved, District (County) - 612 BEAR SWAMP RD
Mixed Use (Primarily Commercial, Some Agriculture) - 642 BEAR SWAMP RD
Accessory Land With Improvement - 653 BEAR SWAMP RD
Imputed - Mixed Use (Primarily Residential, Some Recreational, Some Agricultural) - 688 BEAR SWAMP RD
Single Family Residential